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Rule of 6

As most of us now know, we are seeing a rise in Covid 19 cases and as a result the UK Government have imposed a restriction on the numbers of people who can gather together.

From 14 September, there will be a new legal gatherings limit. When meeting with people you don’t live with you can socialise in groups of up to 6.

You should continue to maintain social distancing with anyone you do not live with. There is further guidance on meeting with others safely, which includes details of exemptions from this limit, including for larger households and support bubbles.

For now, Hodgkin House had introduced ‘living bubbles’. This is because we are at the period where we have students leaving and students arriving and natural social groups have not yet formed.

We are still asking everyone to observe social distancing in the house and to stay within the limits of people in communal areas. This is to help keep everyone safe and well.

There are three simple actions we must all do to keep on protecting each other

  • Wash hands keep washing your hands regularly

  • Cover face wear a face covering in enclosed spaces

  • Make space stay at least 2 metres apart or 1 metre with a face covering



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